Archive for attack


Posted in Volturi with tags , , , , on May 3, 2009 by hissilyssi

Those bloody, filthy curs! I cannot believe the nerve!

Axl and I had been in my room talking when the attack began; a horrible pounding and scraping noise. The untamed newborns were climbing the walls like spiders to a gossamer web, trying to get in. That was when the bell was rung. It would be just an ordinary clock bell to any ignorant human, but to the Volturi guard it is a sign to stop everything you are doing and meet in the main chamber immediately to prepare for a battle. I was on my feet immediately, grabbing my grey robes and dashing downstairs to the main chamber where every single guard member came to stand before Aro. We could hear the collateral damage being done outside the castle, so Aro’s speech was brief: Seek and destroy. I was put in charge, as I often am in these situations. I wasted no time in formalites and sent everyone to their positions to fight off these imbeciles.

It did not take long for each one of us to get entangled in a web of claws, teeth and red eyes. We were battling on all sides with raging newborns clamouring to get inside and kill our Volturi leaders. It was easier when Alec and Zack finally put their abilities to work: blocking any abilities the newborns may have had and Alec cutting of their senses. Except, because most of us were distracted it was much easier to be taken by surprise. I was thrown to the ground by two savage immortal children, ready to rip my head off when I flipped them over and dealt them the full extent of my pain-giving ability; such a wonderful show to behold, their writhing and screaming and begging for mercies they shall never see.

I was not aware of much else around me, too caught up in my own battles. However, I did find out later that some of the newborns from the army managed to reach Aro’s private chambers where himself, Marcus, Caius, their wives, Renata, Sage, Riley and William all were there to defend and protect. I heard vaguely throgh the gossip later that Riley’s brother, Lucas, was one of the newborns and Riley was forced to end his immortal life. I do not pity her, she knew the day would come when she would have to kill someone she cared about. It is the way of our life.

Axl and I were left pretty badly injured once the fight had finally come to a close and everyone was permitted to return to their rooms to recuperate. However, it wasn’t long until the sounds of another battle could be heard from Aro’s chambers. I wasted no time in checking it out, only to find that Zack had turned against us. The bastard. Axl took care of him and another newborn and I was left to take care of the other in Aro’s private chambers. Aro had already been attacked, a feat that would’ve been altogether impossible had I been in the room at the time. I only remember vaguely what happened next – my body being slammed against the wall, a sickening crunch as my skull ricocheteed off the wall and threatened to completely send me into darkness. I was able to take down the newborn before she could harm Aro any further and then left while Aro took care of his wife, Sulpicia. I didn’t make it very far, the world suddenly turning on its side and everything became a blur of colours and agonizing pain as my head threatened to implode.

I saw darkness.

When my eyes finally opened, Axl was next to me  and I was back in my room lying on my bed. I couldn’t seem to focus no matter how many times I blinked, and my head was hurting in such a way I thought I might’ve given in to the darkness again if Axl hadn’t kept me awake by talking to me. I only heard bits and pieces of the story he told me – about his life before his change. The parts I was able to make out through my foggy haze intrigued me, and only intensified my curiosity in him. It hadn’t occurred to me until then that I knew very little about Axl, while in turn he knew almost my entire life’s story.

I am not fully recovered yet, so I should really continue my rest. The aches and pains I feel right now, are not unpleasant but they do cause an unecessary amount of inconvienence. So, I shall end this entry here.
